Detail View: Massachusetts Historic Bottles Collection: Wine bottle neck and finish

Accession number: 
Collection Name: 
UMass Archaeological Services Bottle Collection
Site name: 
Ephraim Skerry House/March St. detour
Complex title: 
Skerry House
Site date: 
17th, 18th, 19th centuries
Modern location: 
Salem, Massachusetts
UMAS identifier: 
UM103 - 3.9
Artifact name: 
Wine bottle neck and finish
Artifact function: 
Artifact form: 
Wine bottle
Artifact material: 
Image view description: 
Fragment shown beside a ruler and Kodak Color Control Patches
Artifact condition: 
1 fragment
Seam locations: 
two seams coming down neck
Artifact color: 
olive green
Bottle finish type: 
tapered collar finish
Bottle closure type: 
cork top
Manufacturing techniques: 
three-piece mold OR free blown
Artifact date: 
19th century
Artifact terminus ante quem: 
Artifact repository: 
UMass Archaeology Services
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)